photo: @mikefbaby54 The beard is a feature that is subject to constant changes, since if its natural growth process …
Beards called into question among health professionals
It would seem that the prestige of a well-groomed beard is being eroded in certain sectors of society. Over recent …
Beards called into question among health professionalsRead More
Different gift ideas for men
Every year comes those special dates in the calendar when we have the opportunity to rekindle the flames of love, …
The eroticism of the beard
No one can definitively explain the phenomenon of sexual attraction between people. Books have been written and …
How to grow a beard
Life goes through stages where we decide to make changes in our routine, our appearance or our personal relationships. …
FAQs about male facial waxing with Barbepil (IV)
Why is waxing a better option for male hair removal?Skin stays smoother longer when you wax unwanted hair – with our …
Can’t wait for your next appointment?
If waxing is a new thing for you, it could take up to 4 treatments for your hair to get into a regular growth cycle - …
FAQs about male facial waxing with Barbepil (III)
If you’ve got questions about your next BARBEPIL waxing, don’t worry—we’ve got the answers you need! The following …
History of a Men’s Club
Once upon a time there was a place called a Barber Shop where people used to meet with one common goal: have their hair …